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International Conferences

  • Kang, M., Jeong, J., Kim, M., Cho, Y., Lee, S., "Shape Memory Polymer-based Triboelectric Nanogenerator (SMPTENG) for Shape Restoration", The 7th International Conference on Active Materials and Soft Mechatronics (AMSM), Incheon, South Korea. (2024.10.28)

  • Cho, Y., Shin, H., Kim, Y., Lee, S., "Long-term stability of hybrid bionic interface and its applications", The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors & The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science (AIS-I3S), NUS, Singapore. (2024.08.01)

  • Jeong, J., Kim, Y., Lee, S., "Optimization of Polymeric Microneedle Electrode for High-Quality EMG Recording", 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC), Orlando, Florida (2024.07.17)

  • Nagwade, P., Kang, M., Park, J., Jeong, J., Shin, H., Cho, Y.,  Lee, S., "An artificial muscle device driven powered by methanol-based catalytic combustion of nanoparticle-coated shape memory alloy", The 19th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Kyoto, Japan (2024.05.05)

Domestic Conferences

  • Shin, H., Kim, Y., Cho, Y., Kang, M., Jeong, J., Lee, S., “Direct Comparison of Intrafascicular and Cuff Electrode
    via Simultaneous Recording in Rabbit Sciatic Nerve”, Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024, Busan, South Korea (2024.11.09)

  • Noh, D., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Adjusting Mechanical Properties of Silk Fibroin Fibers via Wet Spinning for Biomedical Application", Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024, Busan, South Korea (2024.11.09) [Outstanding Poster Award - 'Excellent']

  • Cha, M., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Optimization of PEDOT:PSS hydrogel coating for improved neural interface performance", Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024, Busan, South Korea (2024.11.09) [Outstanding Poster Award - 'Encourangement']

  • Park, J., Jeong, J., Kwon, S., Min, S., Hong, J., Lee, S., “Imperceptible Surface EMG Sensor for Lower Extremity Neuro-Prosthetic Control”, KSMBE 2024, Wonju, South Korea (2024.05.09) [Excellent Paper Award (Silver)]

  • Cho, Y., Lee, S., "Long-term stability of hybrid bionic interface and its applications", 26th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS), Jeju Island, South Korea (2024.03.27) [Best Oral Presentation Award]

  • Kim, Y., Lee, S., "High performance-wireless recording system for lower extremity neuro-prosthetic control", 26th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS), Jeju Island, South Korea (2024.03.27)


International Conferences

  • Park, J., Jeong, J., Kim, D., Pak, C., Hong, J., Min, S., Kim, B., Lee, S., "Flexible & Stretchable EMG Sensor for Lower Extremity Amputee", 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC), Sydney, Australia (2023.07.25)

  • Kang, M., Lee, S., "Taegeuk Patterned Rotational Triboelectric Neurostimulator for Generating Neuro-Mimic Signal", The 21st International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2023 Symposium), Ilsan, South Korea (2023.07.06)

  • Nagwade, P., Kang, M., Park, J., Jeong, J., Shin, H., Cho, Y.,  Lee, S., "A biomimetic design for a modular artificial muscle based on catalytic combustion actuation of shape memory alloy", The 18th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS), Jeju Island, South Korea (2023.05.15)

  • Cho, Y., Shin, H., Kim, D., Kim, T., Kim, Y., Kang, M., Cho, J., Jeong, H., Suh, H., Pak, C., Lee, S., "High Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Neural Interface in Muscle Graft of a Transected Nerve", 11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (2023 NER), Baltimore, MD, USA (2023.04.26) 

  • Shin, H., Cho, Y., Kim, D., Kim, T., Kim, Y., Kang, M., Cho, J., Jeong, H., Suh, H., Pak, C., Lee, S., "Recording Neural Signals Inside Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (RPNI) by Reducing Stimulus Artifact and Ambient Noise", 11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (2023 NER), Baltimore, MD, USA (2023.04.26) 

Domestic Conferences

  • Jeong, J., Park, J., Shin, H., Lee, S., "3-channel AuCNT bladder strain sensor for volume and shape tracking of the bladder", 25th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS), Jeju Island, South Korea (2023.03.24)

  • Kang, M., Park, J., Jeong, J., Lee, S., "Flexible piezoresistive sensor for shear force measurement inside sockets and residual limbs of lower limb loss", 25th Korean Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (KMEMS), Jeju Island, South Korea (2023.03.22) 


International Conferences

  • Nagwade, P., Kang, M., Park, J., Lee, S., "Fabrication and Characteristics of Biomimetic Design based Shape Memory Alloy for Modular Artificial Muscle", 12th International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE), Jeju Island, South Korea (2022.11.05)

  • Kang, M., Shin, H., Cho, Y., Park, J., Nagwade, P., Lee, S., "Rotational triboelectric nanogenerator (RoTENG) based neuro-stimulator for controlling the muscle by frequency modulation", Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2022 (MCARE), Busan, South Korea (2022.08.22)

  • Kang, M., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Modulation of Muscles by rotational triboelectric nanogenerator", The 20th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2022 Symposium), Ilsan, South Korea (2022.07.06) 

Domestic Conferences

  • Park, J., Jeong, J., Nagwade, P., Kim, H., Hwang, J., Pak, C., Suh, H., Hong, J., Kim, B., Min, S., Kim, H., Kwon, S., and Lee, S., "Flexible and Stretchable Socket Internal Mounted EMG Sensor (SIME) for amputees", DGIST Global Innovation Festival 2022, Daegu, South Korea (2022.11.09)

  • Shin, H., Cho, Y., Kim, D., Kim, T., Kim, Y., Kang, M., Pak, C., Suh, H., and Lee, S., "Recording Neural Signals from Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNI) by Reducing Stimulus Artifact", 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Incheon, South Korea (2022.11.05)

  • Park, J., Jeong, J., Nagwade, P., Lee, S., Koo, B., Kim, H., Hwang, J., Pak, C., Suh, H., Hong, J., Kim, B., Min, S., Kim, H., Kwon, S., Lee, S., "Flexible and Stretchable sEMG Sensor for Lower Limb Amputee", M2022년 한국재활로봇학회 춘계학술대회, Seoul, South Korea (2022.08.09)

  • Jeong, J., Park, J., Shin, H., Lee, S., "3D printing fabrication process for fine control of microneedle shape", 제24회 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Jeju Island, South Korea (2022.04.06) - 포스터 장려상 수상

  • Park, J., Jeong, J., Lee, S., "Flexible and Stretchable sEMG Sensorfor Amputee", 제 29회 한국반도체학술대회, Jeongseon, South Korea (2022.01.24) 


International Conferences

  • Cho, Y., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Neural Interface Using Shape Memory Pol0ymer for Bioelectronic Medicine", 16th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE), Jeju Island, South Korea (2021.11.09)

  • Kang, M., Shin, H., Cho, Y., Park, J., Jeong, J., Lee, S., "Optimization of Motor-Based Rotational Triboelectric Nanogenerators (RoTENGs) for Neural Stimulation", 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS 2021, Virtual, United States (2021.06.20)

  • Jo, Y., Kang, M., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Highly Stretchable Strain Sensor and Detecting System for Monitoring of Bladder Volume", 34th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Gainesville, United States (2021.01.25)

Domestic Conferences

  • Cho, Y., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Double-clip Neural Interface Using Shape Memory Polymer", 제23회 한국 MEMS 학술대회, Buyeo, South Korea (2021.04.07)

  • Kang, M., Jo, Y., Cho, Y., Shin, H., Lee, S., "Rotational based Mechano-Neurostimulator", 제 28회 한국반도체학술대회, Virtual, South Korea (2021.01.25) 


International Conferences

  • Park, J., Jo, Y., Cho, Y., Lee, S., "Mechano-Neuromodulation of Peripheral Nervous System using Triboelectric Neurostimulators combined with Neural Interface", The 17th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2019 Symposium), KINTEX, Ilsan, South Korea (2019.07.03-05)

  • Lee, S., Wang, H., Peh, W.Y.X., Thakor, N.V., Yen, S.C., Lee, C., "Direct Stimulation of Bladder Pelvic Nerve using Battery-Free Neural Clip Interface", International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (2019 NER), San Francisco, CA, USA (2019.03.20-23) 

©2019 by Neuro-Interfaced Robotics LAB.

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