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※ 2025/02
/6 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at The Korean Institute of Information and Communication Sciences [KICS] Winter Conference 2025, Pyeongchang, South Korea..

※ 2025/02/6 : Yongwoo Kim participated in The Korean Institute of Information and Communication Sciences [KICS] Winter Conference 2025, Pyeongchang, South Korea.

※ 2024/11/21 : Heejae Shin participated in the Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024, Busan, South Korea.

※ 2024/11/21 : DGIST UGRP undergraduate student Noh Da Eun receives an Outstanding Poster Award - 'Excellent' at Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024, Busan, South Korea.

※ 2024/11/21 : Undergraduate student intern Cha Mina receives an Outstanding Poster Award - 'Encouragement' at Micro-Nano Systems Society Fall Conference 2024
, Busan, South Korea.

※ 2024/11/19 : Youngjun Cho presented his research work at 2024 Global Innovation Week at DGIST.

※ 2024/11/19 : Jaeu Park presented his research work at 2024 Global Innovation Week at DGIST.

※ 2024/11/04 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at PRS 2024 Korea (Plastic & Reconstruction Surgeons), Seoul.

※ 2024/10/28 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the AMSM Conference 2024, Incheon, Korea.

※ 2024/10/27 : Minseok Kang participated in the AMSM Conference 2024, Incheon, Korea.

※ 2024/10/16 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee delivered a talk at 'Green Business Week 2024', COEX, Seoul. [Click here to read the article]

※ 2024/08/04 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee received the 'Best Invited Talk' Award at the AIS-I3S 2024, NUS, Singapore.

※ 2024/08/01 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the AIS-I3S 2024, NUS, Singapore.

※ 2024/08/01 : Youngun Cho participated in the AIS-I3S 2024, NUS, Singapore.

※ 2024/07/17 : Jinwoong Jeong participated in the 46th IEEE EMBC Conference 2024, Orlando, USA.

※ 2024/05/11 : Jaeu Park received the 'Excellent Paper Award (Silver)' at the KSMBE 2024, Wonju, South Korea

※ 2024/05/05 : Pritish Nagwade participated in IEEE NEMS 2024, Kyoto, Japan. 

※ 2024/05/04 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the IEEE NEMS 2024, Kyoto, Japan.

※ 2024/04/16 : Heejae Shin received the Graduate School Presidential Scholarship Award. Congrats!! [Click here to read the article]

※ 2024/03/29 : Youngjun Cho received the best oral presentation at the 26th Korean MEMS Conference. Congrats!!

※ 2024/03/28 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at KFPE 2024.

※ 2024/03/27 : Youngjun Cho participated in the 26th Korean MEMS Conference 2024, Jeju Island, South Korea.

※ 2024/03/27 : Yongwoo Kim participated in the 26th Korean MEMS Conference 2024, Jeju Island, South Korea.

※ 2024/02/26 : Minseok Kim has joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!
※ 2024/02/16 : Jaeu Park received the 'Robotics - Excellence in Research' Award at DGIST. Congrats!


※ 2023/12/19 : Heejae Shin received the 'Excellent Student' Awards at DGIST Graduate Research Festival 2023. Congrats!

※ 2023/11/15 : Youngjun Cho was awarded ₩1,000,000 at the 2023 DGIST Commercialization Promising Technology Contest                                              Ideas section. Congrats!

※ 2023/11/15 : Jinwoong Jeong was awarded ₩1,000,000 at the 2023 DGIST Commercialization Promising Technology Contest                                          Ideas section. Congrats!

※ 2023/11/08 : Jaeu Park's recent work was broadcast on the YTN 사이언스 투데이 [Click here to watch]

※ 2023/10/26 : Youngjun Cho's recent work was broadcast on the YTN 사이언스 투데이 [Click here to watch]

※ 2023/10/13 : A research article by Jaeu Park was accepted in Nature npj Flexible Electronics. Congrats!

※ 2023/09/26 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited seminar at SKKU (Biomedical Engineering).

※ 2023/09/18 : Pritish Nagwade received the Lotte Foundation Scholarship. Congrats!

※ 2023/08/29 : A research article by Youngjun Cho was accepted in Advanced Science. Congrats!

※ 2023/08/04 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at SKKU.

※ 2023/07/28 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented a UNSW GSBmE's Seminar series at the Univ. of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.

※ 2023/07/25 : Jaeu Park participated in IEEE EMBC Conference 2023, Australia.

※ 2023/07/25 : A research article by Pritish Nagwade was published in Advanced Intelligent Systems. Congrats!!

※ 2023/07/11 : A review article by Pritish Nagwade was published in Soft Science. Congrats!!

※ 2023/07/05 :  Minseok Kang participated in Nano Korea Symposium 2023.

※ 2023/05/14 : Pritish Nagwade participated in IEEE NEMS Conference 2023.

※ 2023/05/12 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the Research & Reconstruction Forum 2023.

※ 2023/05/09 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at Kwangwoon University.

※ 2023/04/25 : Youngjun Cho and Heejae Shin participated in IEEE/EMBS NER Conference 2023, USA.

※ 2023/03/31 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at GMEPE-PAHCE 2023.

※ 2023/03/24 : Youngjun Cho received the best poster presentation at the 25th Korean MEMS Conference. Congrats!!

※ 2023/03/22 : Youngjun Cho and Minseok Kang participated in the 25th Korean MEMS Conference.

※ 2023/03/01 : The new research project "Development of mechano-neuroregeneration technology for regeneration of nerve injury and human augmentation" is launched. Congrats!!

※ 2023/02/13 : Jinwoong Jeong got the Best Research Assistant Award. Congrats!! 

※ 2023/02/13 : Heejae Shin got the Outstanding Researcher Award (Robotic Electronics). Congrats!! 

※ 2023/01/03 : A research article by Jinwoong Jeong was accepted in Micro and Nano Systems Letters. Congrats!!


※ 2022/11/10 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the Seoul Symposium 2022 (Comprehensive Nerve Reconstruction) by SNUH.

※ 2022/11/09 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at AMC-DGIST Symposium 2022.

※ 2022/11/04 : Heejae Shin participated in KOSOMBE Conference 2022.

※ 2022/10/13 : Pritish Nagwade participated in ICFPE Conference 2022.

※ 2022/09/30 : A research article by Minseok Kang and Heejae Shin was accepted in Nano Energy. Congrats!!

※ 2022/08/24 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at MCARE 2022.

※ 2022/08/23 : Minseok Kang participated in MCARE 2022.

※ 2022/07/09 : Jaeu Park participated in the Korean Society of Rehabilitation Robots (KORERO).

※ 2022/04/08 : Jinwoong Jeong received the best paper at the 24th Korean MEMS Conference. Congrats!!

※ 2022/03/03 : Yongwoo Kim has joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!


※ 2021/12/11 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented a keynote lecture at KORERO 2021.

※ 2021/11/29 
: Samira Parandeh has joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!

※ 2021/11/16 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at IEEE-NANOMED 2021.

※ 2021/09/06 : A review article by Heejae Shin, and Minseok Kang was accepted in the International Journal of Optomechatronics. Congrats!!

※ 2021/06/17 : A research article by Youngjun Cho, Heejae Shin, and Jaeu Park was accepted in Micromachines. Congrats!!

※ 2021/04/28 
: Minseok Kang's abstract was accepted in Transducers 2021. Congrats!!

※ 2021/03/03 : Pritish has joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!

※ 2021/02/17 : Youngjun Cho's abstract was accepted in KMEMS 2021. Congrats!! ​


※ 2020/12/04 : Minseok Kang's abstract was accepted in KCS 2021. Congrats!! ​

※ 2020/11/30 : A review article by Youngjun Cho and Jaeu Park was accepted in Bioelectronic Medicine. Congrats!! ​​

※ 2020/11/25 : Yujin Jo's abstract was accepted in MEMS 2021. Congrats!! ​

※ 2020/11/20 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at the Society of micro and nanosystems (MNS) 2020.
※ 2020/11/19 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee gave a seminar at DGIST-AMC Symposium 2020.
※ 2020/11/02 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee delivered an invited talk at ENGE 2020.

※ 2020/10/14 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee present a seminar at Yeungnam Univ. College Medicine.

※ 2020/10/08 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee gave an invited seminar at Inha Univ.

※ 2020/09/26 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at Kwangwoon Univ.
※ 2020/09/04 : Jinwoong Jeong has joined the NIRO, Welcome!!
※ 2020/09/01 : Our team has been selected for Korean Medical Devices Development Fund with the title "Development of the SMART microprocessor-controlled prostheses for Lower Limb amputee and localization technology for the core parts". 

※ 2020/09/01 : Our team has been selected for Korean Medical Devices Development Fund with the title "Development of bionic interface for intuitive control of bionic limb prosthesis". 

※ 2020/08/12 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee delivered a talk at ETRI.
※ 2020/03/0
9 : Minseok Kang and Heejae Shin have joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!


※ 2019/11/14 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited seminar at AMC-DGIST. ​

※ 2019/10/21 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited seminar at KBSI.​​

※ 2019/08/21 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at MCARE 2019.

※ 2019/05/07 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited seminar at Kwangwoon University.

※ 2019/03/15 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited seminar at SKKU.
※ 2019/03/04 : Youngjun Cho, Jaeu Park, Yujin Jo have joined the NIRO Lab. Welcome!!

※ 2019/02/14 : Prof. Sanghoon Lee presented an invited talk at KCS 2019.

©2019 by Neuro-Interfaced Robotics LAB.

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